Thursday, April 30, 2020

PE with Mrs. Bechtel

Hello St. Joseph Families!
(Video Message from Mrs. Bechtel)

*Students- make sure you check with your parents before doing any of the activities. Have fun and stay safe!

Throwing & Catching: If you have space in your yard and it's safe to go outside, try to practice throwing and catching a ball or frisbee with a family member.

K-1: https://youtu.bu/_-4O1vpM0Zl

PE Pool Workouts

-Mrs. Bechtel

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Art Tuesday with Mrs. Liebanas

Here is an idea for creating a beautiful flower bouquet dedicated to the Blessed Mother.  You may send in a picture of your flowers to to be used in our Rosary video project for the month of May.

Have fun creating!

Monday, April 27, 2020

SJU Student Council- Morning Prayer

Good morning! 
Here is the link for this week's Student Council morning prayers. 
We birthday shout outs, FUN facts, jokes and a special guest giving us great insight on the weather!  These weekly videos always put a smile on my face because it reminds us to keep praying the SJU way and laughing together.

Don't forget to join us for May Crowning Mass this Friday, May 1 at 11:00am LIVE via the parish Facebook page "Catholic Community of St. Joseph."  It will also be on our school website in the afternoon at

Have a blessed week!

-Mrs. Alamo-Ng

Thursday, April 23, 2020

PE Ideas from Mrs. Bechtel

Hi Vikings,

I have you all in my prayers during this time.  I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful weather! Remember to try and stay active.  I know some of us may be limited, so I have some fun YouTube channels for dances and moves you can enjoy with lots of great songs and themes. Enjoy them with your family. Dancing, working out, and a game or two can be done during the day.  For example, take a "recess" break and enjoy one of the following:

Just Dance (YouTube Channel)
Get Kids Moving (YouTube Channel)
Use sidewalk chalk to draw a Four Square grid on the ground and play with your family

-Mrs. Bechtel

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Happy Earth Day!

Missing you on this Walk'in into Wednesday morning!  
Hope you enjoy a beautiful Earth Day.  
Here is a prayer by St. Francis and a story called The Earth Book.

Monday, April 20, 2020

SJU Student Council- Morning Prayer

Welcome back!
It is great to be back in virtual school with all of you (even though I would much rather be back on campus).  I hope you enjoyed a well-deserved break and are ready to get back into your daily learning routine.
Here is this week's prayer video by our wonderful Student Council.

Wishing all of you a fantastic week ahead!
-Mrs. Alamo-Ng

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Storytime with Mrs. Grant

Mrs. Grant misses her students so very much!  She decided to read a story aloud to them just like she would in the classroom.  It was too good not to share with ALL of you so here it is.  Cooper's Big Bear Hug is a beautiful story about a bear looking for the very best way to tell his parents how much he loves them. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

SJU Student Council

Week 3 Morning Prayer

Student Council wishes everyone a blessed Holy Week and Easter!

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Gratitude, Prayer, and FUN!

Better late than never!

Sorry the video took longer to post.  I learned that I am not an expert at iMovie and I wanted to be sure to include as many photos from our Distance Learning Spirit Days as possible.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend with your families!
-Mrs. Alamo-Ng

Thursday, April 2, 2020

PE with Mrs. Bechtel

Happy Thursday!

Do you have your crazy hair on? 

Have a great day of learning. 
Here is your enrichment lesson for the day.

Mrs. Bechtel recorded a video leading us in 3 exercises to help us move and stay fit. You can do them outside or inside during a "recess" or brain break.

Click on the link and get movin'!

Thanks, Mrs. Bechtel!